Sunday, December 29, 2013

in which: i need a break

I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to stick to daily goals. Habits have always been the hardest thing for me to try to build. Bad habits? Super easy to form, like without even trying. Good habits or habits that help me accomplish things? Hellooooo procrastination! It's so easy to get distracted and want to waste time on things that won't get me anywhere. Then later, I come down on myself or worry about all the things I want to do with my life and stare in fear as the time passes and I don't get any closer.

I'm sick of it.

I think I need a sabbatical of some sort. I think I need to lose Wall-E for a while (my laptop). More than that though, I think I need God and that I need to just make a decision. ANY DECISION. If it's in my heart - do it. No more fear of the time it will take to accomplish it or the money it will take to get there. Just pick something and trust God to meet me in the midst of it and trust that He will provide. 

"Don't give up on your dreams because of the time it will take to accomplish them. 
The time will pass anyway."  
Earl Nightingale

Not that I've been very good at keeping up with blog anyway, but I think I may disappear for a while. I'm not sure for how long and I'm not sure entirely what all I'll be cutting out of my life that has been such a distraction, but much of it has been my addiction to aimlessly surfing the web. Facebook and Pinterest mainly, but also blog surfing too. I need a break. My future depends on it. I want to rekindle the passions that are in me for a reason and actually begin to DO things. SEE things, BECOME things, EXPERIENCE things. 

It's about time.

I am

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 8

A Gift Sweet, Salty, Sipped

1) Peanut ~ the sweetest pea in my life

2) That incredible Jalapeno Tuna sammich I had at Madd Hatter's yesterday... mmmmm

3) The 5ish glasses of Cabernet I drank last night while screaming and jumping with my friends (playing Catch Phrase) last night

I am

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 7

3 Gifts From Your Window

1) The tree I can hear the Barred Owl hoot from many of these autumn nights.

2) Streams of delicious light in the mornings. 

3) A small bird feeder my neighbor downstairs has where sparrows flock to eat, chatter and make merry.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 6

3 Gifts Government
(this one was kind of hard given what our country is going through)

1) The Armed Forces fighting overseas, so that I may remain safe at home.

2) I think it's exciting what has happened with Texas' new abortion laws. Some babies born from here on will have an interesting story and a curious role in history.

3) I'm thankful for a mostly non-corrupt Security and Police Force. It's crazy hearing stories of officials in the same position in other countries... 

I am

Joy Dare: Day 5

3 Gifts Acorn-Small

1) My antique button ring that I wear every single day. Except for when I lose it... which is almost every single day.

2) Babe's lil hard ears! Obviously they aren't as small as an acorn...(maybe 5 acorns?)... but they are small and cute and always cold. And I call them hard because they are just more compact than mine and feel harder. I like kissing them to em' warm. Eeek! ~ love those lil hard ears!

3) Acorns themselves and the way they scatter everywhere in central Texas.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 4

A Gift Gathered, Given, Good

1) All the pumpkins Peanut & I snagged! My patio looks like it's own pumpkin patch now...

2) The copy of Blue Like Jazz babe found for our new friend, Thanya, at the library book sale. 
It was perfect and totally from God.

3) The crisp and refreshing fall air... it is so, SO good.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 3

3 Gifts That Start With "N"

1) Nature... especially this time of year

2) Naps with my love ~ the only kind of nap I'll agree to

3) Naomi Rose: Corey & Amy's sweet baby girl on the way :)

I am

Monday, November 4, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 2

3 Gifts Worn

1) Tunsis (toon-sis), the stuffed cat I've had since I was 4 years old

2) My multi-colored beanie that everyone loves. A Fall staple!

3) My tribal backpack I use as a purse - to carry my money, books & food for adventures :)

I am

Saturday, November 2, 2013

in which: this is the art i live

It took me most of the day to decide what I wanted to write about as the art I live. The more I thought about it though, when I think of how God reveals himself in my day to day life, it's so obvious.


I love sharing myself with people. Especially women.

I love the build up of a great story.
Memories of the past are so vivid... it's like I'm standing in my childhood home again. Reliving the pain of this break-up or the laughter of that hilarious road trip. The skip in my spirit the day we met...

I love the instant bond a story can seal between those who share a similar experience.
For all the years I felt alone in situations with my family, ex-boyfriends, school... it was so astonishing for me to eventually discover how many people had lived, or were living the same things I did. It was like the more I shared, the more people began to come out of the woodwork in opening up about their own experiences.

Things I was once so ashamed of and didn't dare whisper... have turned out to be the things my friends have most benefited from hearing. I feel like God has set me on this mission of helping the world see,
you are not alone.

The need to share flows out of me like a songbird bursting with glorious song. 
May it never leave me.
And may the Father of Lights never cease to meet me where I am.
Where we are.

I am

*post inspired by Emily Freeman and her amazing work at Chatting At The Sky*

Joy Dare: Day 1

Well, I tried doing this challenge last Januray and didn't even make it through the first couple of months. I wanted to do the year-long  Joy Dare from Ann Voskamp's blog, A Holy Experience. However, in light of it being the month of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd give it the old try once more and give myself the much lower goal of doing it for 30 days. The daily guideline for November is in her last blog post, but if you just want a quick reference for the list ~ go here

3 Gifts Eaten

1. The sandwiches babe & I shared for lunch today. I love sandwiches. And babe.

2. The KitKat bar I munched on my way home from work - since I didn't get any Halloween candy!

3. The Pumpkin Tea Latte I drank while drawing this morning.

Join me this November?

I am

Sunday, October 27, 2013

in which: it was a great weekend

Costume Party

I was Grumpy Cat!

Football Game with Corey & Amy -Texas State vs South Alabama

I worked. MEANT to bring these in for my coworkers, but I'm bringing them tomorrow instead.
My Mom used to make these every year for Halloween!
Only instead of crushed Oreos I used Hint-O-Mint Newman-O's... my favorite...

Will definitely be writing something more substantial soon. 
Just wanted to share some of the wonderful weekend I spent with Peanut and friends.
Also, updated the header for Fall! Finally starting to stay cool during the daytime... *sigh*

I am

Monday, August 26, 2013

How To Carve A Watermelon Hedgehog

I don't often make posts centered around recipes or making things - but this I HAD to share! I made this cute Watermelon Hedgehog for a party last summer and it was a wild success. I didn't invent this idea but I had a lot of fun making it. The entire process took about an hour.

Here's what you'll need:

  • A medium/large round seedless watermelon
  • Blueberries
  • Cutting Board
  • Large cutting & pairing knives
  • Toothpicks
  • Large bowl & spoon
  • Towels (you may be more tidy than I, but juice got all over my counter tops!)
So first you'll want to either pick a watermelon that either has one flatter side to it OR after washing the melon, you'll want to slice about 1/4" off the ground spot to create a flat foundation for your critter. Take care not to cut too deep into the rind or this will allow juice to leak out the bottom... no bueno!

photo source:
Next you'll want to cut the top off as shown above. Remove this large piece and set aside. Taking the large spoon, scoop out the lush fruit from said removed portion and the rest of the melon. Chop into cubes, drain and set in the large bowl.

photo source:
Now grab your pairing knife and cut small ridges along the cut line. The more uneven and irregular the better - this will resemble the hedgehog's spiky coat.

photo source: & yours truly
Using the removed rind, cut out a small nose as shown above. To attach it, place toothpicks just above the stem spot on both sides and slide the nose over the other end of the toothpicks. Then stick a toothpick on the tip of the nose and place a blueberry on the end.

For the eyes, simply stick two toothpicks a little above the nose and place a blueberry on each end.

To make the ears, draw two curved upside-down "V"s that come to a point somewhere on the outer area of the face, wherever you like. Carefully cut with a pairing knife. Using your finger, GENTLY push from the back (inside the melon) until the ear is slightly protruding - not too hard or they will break off. To help them stay this way, I wedged a toothpick inside, behind the ear.

Using the remainder of the removed rind, cut four rectangles of equal size for the feet. The photo above cut them slightly more angular than I did - I just stuck with rectangles to keep it simple. I also, later ended up only using two feet for the front, as the back two would not cooperate with me! Attach with toothpicks, rind side down, to the bottom edges of the hedgehog as shown.

Finally, fill your hollow creature with the cubed watermelon, sticking toothpicks in for the hedgehog quills. I later added more toothpicks for a more authentic look.


Le Hedgehog

I am

Friday, August 9, 2013

Michael & MariKate Wilson

Nearly two months later! Although to be fair, the wedding pics were only recently posted.

Sleepy Hollow Farm
The wedding party! 14 bridesmaids & 14 groomsmen!
This was an ALL OUT wedding, folks. The feast, the catering service, the props and decor, the band, the millions of tiny tea light candles adorning every available surface... (and yes, that is a small canoe loaded down with fresh shrimp from the gulf).

Ya'll, Mike & Marikate set out to thoroughly bless their friends and family. As we waited for the wedding party to finish with photos, I meandered through hay bale after hay bale that had been adorned with fine cheeses, deli meats & fruit - on top of catering staff offering delectable, silver-trayed appetizers every few minutes! Peanut's Mom made the rounds of introducing me to close family friends, the food was incredible, including this bubbling pot of cheesey grits at the end of the line they were dishing out into hollowed plastic martini glasses. Now, I have never been the biggest fan of grits (essentially mushy cornmeal), but lord have mercy... not only did I lick that glass clean, but I found a shish kabob stick and dug out the remnants of what had fallen into the stem of the hollowed martini glass... Somebody baptize me and call me a convert!

There was a live band and boy, did that woman have some pipes! They were a prime example of why I have always wanted live music at my wedding. They had contagious personality and pzazz and got even the most reluctant of dancers (*ahem*...Peanut) to get up and tap their toes. 
The ceremony itself was gorgeous and I'll admit, I got a little weepy when I saw Michael openly crying and covering his face as Marikate walked down the aisle. During communion a few of the groomsmen got up and played a song, a light breeze passed through the branches of the tree they were married under and I sat comfortably between Peanut's mother & sister, Hannah. And even though there were so many in attendance who did not know me... I was part of a family. I belonged right there between those two beautiful women. If there was anything God shed light on during that trip, it was that I have found a family in the Etheredges. 

And that grits and I can be friends now :)

I am

Saturday, June 15, 2013

in which: we're at it again

Wedding #6 today.
May be the most gorgeous yet ~ on a sprawling picturesque farm!!
It's an evening event so photos should be posted tomorrow.
Till then!

I am

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

in which: we road trip to H-town

Remember these friends?? They got married yesterday!! I didn't really take any pics, just enjoyed being there in the moment (for once). More will come soon though as the photographer uploads them. So happy for these amazing and inspiring people ~ and so glad we got to be there!!

Here are some deets:

  • Outdoor ceremony
  • Indoor reception
  • AMAZING little tirimisu cakes ~ instead of a cake or regular cupcakes
  • My BFF Renata was the DJ {aka} DJ RenFest
  • Me and Alina {my 6 yr old BFF} danced the day away!
  • Peanut danced several songs with me ;)
  • Alicia's sister gave the greatest toast speech
  • I got a 10 lbs container full of mashed potatoes for FREE.99
It was Peanut & I's 5th wedding to attend together {at least!}. Another one is on the way next month. Aaaaaand ~ today was our anniversary. Two years. Where has the time gone...

Watch out world.
We're next.

I am

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

in which: i make a discovery!

A couple of weeks ago I was certified as Texas Master Naturalist, and today, I made my first exciting discovery as one: four adolescent Nine-Banded Armadillos!!

I wasn't able to snatch a pic of all four together as these little buggers were quite fast! They were adorable though as they rooted around sniffing and digging around for roots, earth worms and other insects. I could even hear their munching from beneath the shrubbery, just outside my residence. 

I got up close and tentatively pet one's soft leathery back (shhhhh), but he quickly spun around and began sniffing the air for what had touched him. The little fella sniffed the ground and looking up, made out my vague shadow against the sun (Armadillos are mostly blind) and with that, charged toward me! It freaked me out a little and I let out a yelp as I stumbled backward, knocking over my drink and tote bag I had set down. The sound of my cup scared him, so he turned around and darted into a bush, resuming his digging and rooting. It was quite hilarious actually. I don't know what I thought he would do, but I have never seen live Armadillos before and his boldness startled me. And it's strange that I have lived in Texas nearly my entire life and never seen a live Armadillo -- the state mammal. Although, in my defense, they usually only come out at night and are commonly called the "Texas Speed Bump" for blindly wandering into the streets at night and appearing the next day, dead along the roads. 

It's heartwarming however, to see that these precious leather-backs are adapting in this urban area, despite encroachment on their native habitat and loss of natural resources. 


In other news, much has changed in the last month. As I mentioned before, I have moved in with Rin & Alycia and am loving both getting to know them better and my new surroundings. I graduated from the Texas Master Naturalist Program!! Although if I want to remain certified, I must finish out my 40 hours of Volunteer Service this year. Also, I graduated from Talent Bench, that leadership series I was taking at work, and now, have applied for a Supervisor position! Exciting, but I am also a little nervous of the responsibility to follow -- I will keep you posted! 

Speaking of work, Peanut is on the job hunt again. He has begun looking around other cities and possibly, even other states. It's a huge step of faith and big risk on his part. It all makes me a little nervous to be honest... What if he moves? How long will he be gone? What does this mean for marriage plans? Engagement plans? Will I move?? WHAT IS GOD SAYING IN THE MIDST OF ALL THIS???
It's a lot to process through, and yes, it's put some strain on our relationship. Yet still, I am sure of God's promise that we will be married, that he is the one, that this is part of His plan. 

I'm not afraid of the things I was when I was a child.
I'm not afraid I'll end up in a trapped marriage to someone I thought I knew. I'm not afraid to make mistakes.  I'm not afraid that Father doesn't hear me. And I am definitely, not afraid to love.
Things are changing. And it's a funny comparison, but I almost feel like Pocahontas standing on a ledge, with the winds of change swirling about me, yet firm in who I am and the future ahead of me.

I have a peace that surpasses understanding.
And because of this, I'm content with where I am, where I'm going and in the One who is leading us there.

I am

Sunday, April 21, 2013

in which: i find a good, good place

Tomorrow I will be throwing my pack over my shoulder once more and taking up a new home. 
My ninth move in six years. It's crazy when I put it into numbers. Where has the time gone? How am I not better at packing by now?

I'll still be in the same town, but closer to work and back in with a couple of beautiful girls you may remember...

Rin's Mom owns the condo where I'll be going and Sam moved out several weeks back. 
I will miss Buck and Dori, the boys and of course, the muppets (Zion & Checkers)! I will still be around though, just a short drive away. The new place is awesome! I'll have my own room, own rules, own schedule for when things get done around the house... that will be nice. Overall it will be less expensive and best of all, I'll be deepening my relationship with these two amazing, soulful people. My life is in a good, good place. 

Did I mention that Peanut pretty much packed my ENTIRE room and all my belongings while I was at work today?? I need to marry this saint...

I am

Monday, March 25, 2013

in which: i'm holding onto hope

Lately I have a craving to spend more time with God. I want to be near Him and to share him and to be the Light. I feel sad when I think of the way I spend my time and how lazy it really is. I work and work and work but... what am I working toward? I'm not saving much. But I don't want to be about money. I want to be about... more. 


I want my family to know I care about them. I want to help My Love better. I want to be a better friend. I just want to be a better version of myself. Sometimes I feel exhausted and feel so stretched thin. And then a customer at work will come in and say,"Yes, I am tired too. I'm a full-time medical student and mother and I work." And I'll feel so guilty because I get tired over working 7 hours a day and cleaning a house in exchange for rent and... hanging out with my boyfriend? Do I even have the right to say I'm tired? I know I shouldn't compare myself. All our lives are different and God calls us to different things. 

God, today I need the hope that is You. 
That you do have a future and hope for me.
That You will see me through all the days of my life.
That not just some things, but ALL things are possible because You 
love us.


I am

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

in which: i've got girls

Today I realized just how much I miss my faraway friends...

Ashley P.
Lovely, Natural, Creative, Inspiring, Adventurous, Unique & Quirky

Fabulous, Wacky, Loud, Sweet, Feisty, Loving & a little Inappropriate ;)

Ashley W.
Lively, Adventurous, Hilarious, Free-Spirited, Gutsy, Talented & Bold

I cannot wait for my wedding so that I will finally have all the people I love in one room.
I love you girls!! I am surrounded by so much beauty, life & intellegence ~ I miss you everyday & am so blessed to have ya'll in my life!!!

I am

in which: we begin

Photos from my first Texas Master Naturalist class!!
This binder is massive and super heavy.

Me taking notes like the badass student I am. 
Or hope to be anyway :)

 The presentation on Edwards Aquifer was actually very interesting though. Most everything we were taught came from this site, created by Gregg Eckhardt, who also did the presentation. 


We've had a few classes since this one and although not everything we discuss is fascinating (ok, some of it's downright boring...), I've made a couple friends who are into the green thumb, nature-loving, save the planet things I'm into :) And next week ~ we'll be studying Ornithology!!! 
On a side note, yesterday I turned down an opportunity to go to a beginners course on Falconry. I had work and the place it was held was about an hour & a half away and... the more I think about it the more bummed I am that I didn't just call in to work!!! I found out about it the night before though so... NEXT TIME.

I am

Thursday, February 21, 2013

in which: it's true

"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm.
One is supposing that breakfast comes from the 
grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."

Aldo Leopold

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

in which: dreams do come true

Changed the header in light of Spring around the corner. I love the peaches on there since I've picked it as my new "flavor of the season". It's something I started doing last year, and kind of own little way of getting myself to try new flavors of things I wouldn't normally pick. Last year was grapefruit and now it is peach, thanks to the inspiring and deliciously smelling new lotion I got from work! Seriously you guys, the smell of this lotion is like biting into a ripe, juicy, freshly picked peach.

Speaking of work; I got that promotion last week!! Yeeeeaaahhh!!! I also got accepted into a leadership series called Talent Bench for work aaaaannndddd *drum roll please*.....
I got accepted into the Texas Master Naturalist Certification Program!!!!

It has been a life long dream to become a Naturalist: a person who studies or is an expert in the natural sciences, such as botany, mineralogy, ornithology, etc. Anyone, really, can be a self taught naturalist, as I have been. But now I will be on my way to becoming certified, meeting fellow naturalists in my area and learning about others categories of nature I am less familiar with. For the majority of my studying, I have been more or less an expert on Wildlife. Now through a series of classes over the next few weeks my knowledge will be expanded toward facts on minerals, fish, reptiles and more. 

This is literally one of my dreams becoming a reality.
Don't let anyone tell you you're dreams won't come true!!

From reading My Side Of The Mountain in 6th grade... to my first time getting to hold a Falcon, to learning their sport, to now... learning how to help them survive in their natural habitat & educating people on how they can help.

I am