Saturday, November 9, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 8

A Gift Sweet, Salty, Sipped

1) Peanut ~ the sweetest pea in my life

2) That incredible Jalapeno Tuna sammich I had at Madd Hatter's yesterday... mmmmm

3) The 5ish glasses of Cabernet I drank last night while screaming and jumping with my friends (playing Catch Phrase) last night

I am

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 7

3 Gifts From Your Window

1) The tree I can hear the Barred Owl hoot from many of these autumn nights.

2) Streams of delicious light in the mornings. 

3) A small bird feeder my neighbor downstairs has where sparrows flock to eat, chatter and make merry.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 6

3 Gifts Government
(this one was kind of hard given what our country is going through)

1) The Armed Forces fighting overseas, so that I may remain safe at home.

2) I think it's exciting what has happened with Texas' new abortion laws. Some babies born from here on will have an interesting story and a curious role in history.

3) I'm thankful for a mostly non-corrupt Security and Police Force. It's crazy hearing stories of officials in the same position in other countries... 

I am

Joy Dare: Day 5

3 Gifts Acorn-Small

1) My antique button ring that I wear every single day. Except for when I lose it... which is almost every single day.

2) Babe's lil hard ears! Obviously they aren't as small as an acorn...(maybe 5 acorns?)... but they are small and cute and always cold. And I call them hard because they are just more compact than mine and feel harder. I like kissing them to em' warm. Eeek! ~ love those lil hard ears!

3) Acorns themselves and the way they scatter everywhere in central Texas.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 4

A Gift Gathered, Given, Good

1) All the pumpkins Peanut & I snagged! My patio looks like it's own pumpkin patch now...

2) The copy of Blue Like Jazz babe found for our new friend, Thanya, at the library book sale. 
It was perfect and totally from God.

3) The crisp and refreshing fall air... it is so, SO good.

I am

Joy Dare: Day 3

3 Gifts That Start With "N"

1) Nature... especially this time of year

2) Naps with my love ~ the only kind of nap I'll agree to

3) Naomi Rose: Corey & Amy's sweet baby girl on the way :)

I am

Monday, November 4, 2013

Joy Dare: Day 2

3 Gifts Worn

1) Tunsis (toon-sis), the stuffed cat I've had since I was 4 years old

2) My multi-colored beanie that everyone loves. A Fall staple!

3) My tribal backpack I use as a purse - to carry my money, books & food for adventures :)

I am

Saturday, November 2, 2013

in which: this is the art i live

It took me most of the day to decide what I wanted to write about as the art I live. The more I thought about it though, when I think of how God reveals himself in my day to day life, it's so obvious.


I love sharing myself with people. Especially women.

I love the build up of a great story.
Memories of the past are so vivid... it's like I'm standing in my childhood home again. Reliving the pain of this break-up or the laughter of that hilarious road trip. The skip in my spirit the day we met...

I love the instant bond a story can seal between those who share a similar experience.
For all the years I felt alone in situations with my family, ex-boyfriends, school... it was so astonishing for me to eventually discover how many people had lived, or were living the same things I did. It was like the more I shared, the more people began to come out of the woodwork in opening up about their own experiences.

Things I was once so ashamed of and didn't dare whisper... have turned out to be the things my friends have most benefited from hearing. I feel like God has set me on this mission of helping the world see,
you are not alone.

The need to share flows out of me like a songbird bursting with glorious song. 
May it never leave me.
And may the Father of Lights never cease to meet me where I am.
Where we are.

I am

*post inspired by Emily Freeman and her amazing work at Chatting At The Sky*

Joy Dare: Day 1

Well, I tried doing this challenge last Januray and didn't even make it through the first couple of months. I wanted to do the year-long  Joy Dare from Ann Voskamp's blog, A Holy Experience. However, in light of it being the month of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd give it the old try once more and give myself the much lower goal of doing it for 30 days. The daily guideline for November is in her last blog post, but if you just want a quick reference for the list ~ go here

3 Gifts Eaten

1. The sandwiches babe & I shared for lunch today. I love sandwiches. And babe.

2. The KitKat bar I munched on my way home from work - since I didn't get any Halloween candy!

3. The Pumpkin Tea Latte I drank while drawing this morning.

Join me this November?

I am