Thursday, January 31, 2013

in which: I've been away because...

I've given up coffee. For now.

I'm obsessed with The Oh Hellos. Can't stop listening!

Applied for a trainer position at work ~ could be getting a promotion!!

Peanut & I are getting caught up in the show Downton Abbey. We flew through the first season in TWO days!

Book Club: we're reading With by Skye Jethani

Cleaning Lois' house after her recent move. She's off to Oklahoma at 83!
Peanut, Dori, Lisa & Me

I am

Monday, January 7, 2013

in which: we go to a lot of weddings

Well, as for my 2012 goals, the only ones that really held up were me learning to cook and growing something. I have a fig tree sapling that continues to get bigger & has a new leaf sprouting! Dori taught me to cook, although I still don't do it very often. 

This year, I want to be a better friend, learn more Spanish (the A's let me download Rosetta Stone for FREE!), begin volunteering at Last Chance Forever again & GET MARRIED. I think it will really happen this year, I can feel it. 
Speaking of weddings, our friends Jaime & Emily got married this past weekend!!
The reception was simple & fun. The cutest part was when we saw them off ~ everyone blew bubbles around them & they rode of on bikes! So. Cute.
And Jaime's grandmother made these beautiful hand painted wooden crosses as favors, along with bags of whole bean coffee.
something blue..
We had so much fun! The whole thing was sweet, well put together & totally stress free. Obviously, only good things come out of Fernandez weddings ;) {my love & I met at Jaime's sister's wedding}
Lisa, babe & me

This year is going to be the best one yet.
And to help keep track of my goals, I'm going to be using a site called, which is an idea based on Don Miller's new book Storyline. It's awesome and lays it out so that you can write your goals out as a story. There's the goal itself, your ambitions behind it, anticipated conflicts and climactic points in the journey, etc. You fill in all the details! Very helpful and makes it so you can actually visualize what it will require to make them happen. 

I highly recommend! 

I am

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

in which: i dare

New blog for a new year! Check 'er out!

This will continue to be my main blog; I just wanted to make you aware of my new project.
Perhaps you'd like to join me?

I am