Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day One

NaNoWriMo is HERE!!!
Today is Day 1 and I just got through reading all this material on how I should have been planning and plotting weeks before Day 1 buuuuut... THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. 
Other than a few photos for Corey & Amy's wedding and Thanksgiving - I will mainly be keeping up with NaNoWriMo for the month of November. It is Novel Writing Month after all - although I will technically be considered a NaNoRebel, as I am not writing a Novel. 

My apologies for not being around the majority of October. There has been lots going on regarding work, Beth (who is doing GREAT by the way) and just everyday life. I will really try my hardest to update every week, since I apparently need to try and bash out 1600+ words a freaking DAY!
This is sounding harder and harder. I have to come up with 50,000 words by the end of the month!
Right now I'm also working on trying to find "writing buddies" whether it be via online or in my area. I'm not too keen on meeting those in person who I have found on the internet, but there are friends of friends who I wouldn't mind doing so. 
Yesterday was Halloween. It was my first year not to dress up. Meh. Next year! Peanut took us out to a pumpkin patch that was so sad looking, especially since he'd so pumped about it! 
Here is evidence:
A forlorn pumpkin remains just behind him - LOL!
We had a good laugh about it - although I pretended to be very upset since he'd basically dragged me there! I had so many other things I needed to tend to that it seemed pointless to go since he was only going for me. We had a fun night though. Talking about NaNoWriMo (of course), taking pumpkin photos, stealing candy while Dori handed it out to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, watching New Girl and finally, I watched The Vow and ate Spamoni (my favorite ice cream) with Dori :) There was even a harvest moon!
Tis been a grand Fall so far.
Well, I must be off to bed. It's almost 2am... oy vay. And I have work, and coffee with a friend and WRITING! Peanut is planning to join me on this venture... we'll see how he fairs ;)

Ok... maybe now I'm a little overwhelmed.

But away we go!

I am

Saturday, October 13, 2012

in which: you deserve an update!

It's been raining a LOT here lately and I love it. Peanut loves it too; reminds him of home (the Alabama gulf). He's at men's conference this weekend, so we haven't much of the other. Also... James is in town! (Ashley's husband) as well as other friends from Mobile and the like. Instead of meeting at the Hernandez's for church this weekend, we're meeting at a hotel downtown where the conference is being held. That will be tomorrow morning (aka) another early morning... I definitely see a nap penciling itself into tomorrow's plans. 

Beth is doing so much better this week. It was diagnosed that her bowels, bladder & legs were the major things affected by paralysis. So far though, twice in the last week, 2 of those have been found to be HEALING and FUNCTIONING!! Her legs are still taking their time as they will need to, but I hear she getting fast in that wheelchair. It's such good news... God is so incredibly good. She has even made friends with several of the nurses and is affecting people all around her, where ever she goes.
So like Beth.
So like Father to turn a tragedy into an opportunity. A victory.
Feeling loads better myself. I got to the point where I thought I might have to go see a doctor again. 3 times in less than 6 months - a record for me! Amazingly though, God has blessed me by living with a nurse. When I told her I was thinking about going to see another doctor she said she had antibiotics that would help me. So we went into her room, sifted through different drawers until she pulled out a small bottle and SYRINGE. Ok, I may have freaked out a little (it has been YEARS since I've had any sort of vaccine). I squirmed around and flitted between her bedroom and the living room (where Peanut and the rest of the fam were), trying not to make my anxiety too apparent. I ended up consenting though, even after she told show a cheek (the injection had to be in the rear...) The last thing I yelled before it was "Please don't stab me!!
So she stabbed me. All quite painless and over-with within a few seconds. Started taking antibiotic pills everyday after that and took my last one today. 

Dori, Jamie, Me & Zion


I am 

Monday, October 1, 2012

in which: we will overcome

Been feeling kind of like this lately...

Still truckin though. Drinking Emergen-C like it's going out of style & gettin better since Dori's been feeding me Advil. Grasping the hang of things at Whole Foods and have one week left at Hastings. Beth is doing better and starts her first big day of Physical Therapy today! Meals and childcare are being worked out and I'll be glad to have more time to contribute once I'm back to working one job again. 

If you'd like to keep up with her progress, here is a link to the site Thomas (her husband/my pastor)is updating just about everyday:


I've been having strange dreams. Not scary, but frustrating. I think it's the fever and perhaps the Lord telling me something. Speaking of fever, I really need to go shower. Sweated through the night and now I'm all sticky! In other (more exciting) news, 
Fall is (mostly) here!!

More pumpkins
More hawk sightings 
More color
More FOOD!

God is so good. He turns all the bad into triumphant, glorious stories. I will get better, Fall will come, the worlds will keep turning, we will all keep breathing & Beth will walk again.
We will overcome.
Let our souls praise Him.

I am