A couple of weeks ago I was certified as Texas Master Naturalist, and today, I made my first exciting discovery as one: four adolescent Nine-Banded Armadillos!!
I wasn't able to snatch a pic of all four together as these little buggers were quite fast! They were adorable though as they rooted around sniffing and digging around for roots, earth worms and other insects. I could even hear their munching from beneath the shrubbery, just outside my residence.

I got up close and tentatively pet one's soft leathery back (shhhhh), but he quickly spun around and began sniffing the air for what had touched him. The little fella sniffed the ground and looking up, made out my vague shadow against the sun (Armadillos are mostly blind) and with that, charged toward me! It freaked me out a little and I let out a yelp as I stumbled backward, knocking over my drink and tote bag I had set down. The sound of my cup scared him, so he turned around and darted into a bush, resuming his digging and rooting. It was quite hilarious actually. I don't know what I thought he would do, but I have never seen live Armadillos before and his boldness startled me. And it's strange that I have lived in Texas nearly my entire life and never seen a live Armadillo -- the state mammal. Although, in my defense, they usually only come out at night and are commonly called the "Texas Speed Bump" for blindly wandering into the streets at night and appearing the next day, dead along the roads.
It's heartwarming however, to see that these precious leather-backs are adapting in this urban area, despite encroachment on their native habitat and loss of natural resources.
In other news, much has changed in the last month. As I mentioned before, I have moved in with Rin & Alycia and am loving both getting to know them better and my new surroundings. I graduated from the Texas Master Naturalist Program!! Although if I want to remain certified, I must finish out my 40 hours of Volunteer Service this year. Also, I graduated from Talent Bench, that leadership series I was taking at work, and now, have applied for a Supervisor position! Exciting, but I am also a little nervous of the responsibility to follow -- I will keep you posted!
Speaking of work, Peanut is on the job hunt again. He has begun looking around other cities and possibly, even other states. It's a huge step of faith and big risk on his part. It all makes me a little nervous to be honest... What if he moves? How long will he be gone? What does this mean for marriage plans? Engagement plans? Will I move?? WHAT IS GOD SAYING IN THE MIDST OF ALL THIS???
It's a lot to process through, and yes, it's put some strain on our relationship. Yet still, I am sure of God's promise that we will be married, that he is the one, that this is part of His plan.
I'm not afraid of the things I was when I was a child.
I'm not afraid I'll end up in a trapped marriage to someone I thought I knew. I'm not afraid to make mistakes. I'm not afraid that Father doesn't hear me. And I am definitely, not afraid to love.
Things are changing. And it's a funny comparison, but I almost feel like Pocahontas standing on a ledge, with the winds of change swirling about me, yet firm in who I am and the future ahead of me.
I have a peace that surpasses understanding.
And because of this, I'm content with where I am, where I'm going and in the One who is leading us there.
I am