Thursday, February 21, 2013

in which: it's true

"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm.
One is supposing that breakfast comes from the 
grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."

Aldo Leopold

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

in which: dreams do come true

Changed the header in light of Spring around the corner. I love the peaches on there since I've picked it as my new "flavor of the season". It's something I started doing last year, and kind of own little way of getting myself to try new flavors of things I wouldn't normally pick. Last year was grapefruit and now it is peach, thanks to the inspiring and deliciously smelling new lotion I got from work! Seriously you guys, the smell of this lotion is like biting into a ripe, juicy, freshly picked peach.

Speaking of work; I got that promotion last week!! Yeeeeaaahhh!!! I also got accepted into a leadership series called Talent Bench for work aaaaannndddd *drum roll please*.....
I got accepted into the Texas Master Naturalist Certification Program!!!!

It has been a life long dream to become a Naturalist: a person who studies or is an expert in the natural sciences, such as botany, mineralogy, ornithology, etc. Anyone, really, can be a self taught naturalist, as I have been. But now I will be on my way to becoming certified, meeting fellow naturalists in my area and learning about others categories of nature I am less familiar with. For the majority of my studying, I have been more or less an expert on Wildlife. Now through a series of classes over the next few weeks my knowledge will be expanded toward facts on minerals, fish, reptiles and more. 

This is literally one of my dreams becoming a reality.
Don't let anyone tell you you're dreams won't come true!!

From reading My Side Of The Mountain in 6th grade... to my first time getting to hold a Falcon, to learning their sport, to now... learning how to help them survive in their natural habitat & educating people on how they can help.

I am