Tuesday, June 12, 2012

in which: he's rarely early but never too late

So I decided to work another day at the cafe yesterday (a day over my two weeks notice). I thought about blowing them off, but I felt like God wanted me to humble myself and just help them out. So I did. 

Anyway, we have several regulars that come through the drive-thru every morning. One of them is Jennifer and her two little boys (aka) two large mocha frappes, one with whip, one without, both with chocolate drizzle. I don't even take her order anymore. Once I hear her kids through the ear piece I just say,"Morning Jen! Pull around!" so we have a little longer to chat at the window. Her husband also comes sometimes on his way to work and overall they've always seemed like a really sweet family. I've even wished I had an excuse to get to know them better, but we're usually too busy for me to really think of anything.

SO! Yesterday, Jen and the boys stop by and she updates me on how her move is going (they are switching to a new house in their neighborhood). So I asked her where she lives and where should that be but...   the neighborhood just across from where I go to church. "Oh wow, I go to church over there", I tell her. And this is very interesting to her because of course, they've been looking for a church... 

I invited she and her family to stop by sometime and we switched information. And maybe nothing will come of this or maybe something grand will but overall I felt so freaking good about it! Here I was thinking that me working here was just a mistake and obviously wasn't the Lord... but what a blind fool I have been... And here I wasn't even supposed to work yesterday! 
I've never been more excited to be wrong.

I am

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